A poor attempt at humor.
Check out Rep. Paul Ryan Exposed! for attempting to humor us that the GOP's donor base are friends of the poor.
"I don't think it's healthy for us to be stoking the flames of envy and resentment, I don't care about rich people, because they are already rich. What I worry about is making it easier for people to become successful, who's never seen it before... -- Paul Ryan
"Don't tax them so much and don't regulate business so much, because that causes uncertainty, and that feeling keeps them from creating jobs." -- Paul Ryan
SodaHead Excerpt:
Ryan has also opposed efforts to close offshore tax loopholes, a record 51 times since he took office. He voted against an amendment in 2006 that would have barred funding for government contracts with U.S. companies incorporated offshore to avoid paying U.S. taxes. In 2004, he opposed an amendment that would have prohibited the Export-Import Bank from approving direct loans to U.S. companies incorporated offshore to avoid U.S. taxes.
Politiscoop Excerpt:
The plan freezes base pay, and creates a new system for merit pay while suspending funding for it during the current two-year budget. Scott Walker has been leading the call to inform all Wisconsinites that the state is broke, so shared sacrifice is necessary.
Politico Excerpt:
[...] said the class warfare that threatens the U.S. is “[a] class of bureaucrats and connected crony capitalists trying to rise above the rest of us, call the shots, rig the rules, and preserve their place atop society. And their gains do come at the expense of working Americans, against entrepreneurs, and that small businesswoman who has the gall to take on the corporate chieftain.”
WaPo Excerpt:
Something fresh is afoot in this country, drawing its inspiration from the Arab Spring. It’s what Van Jones, head of Rebuild the Dream, has taken to calling “the American Autumn.” Yes, that Van Jones, the one the White House unceremoniously dumped overboard after Glenn Beck preposterously called him a communist. Now Jones is back on stage — and so is a strain of American populism that many have been waiting to see emerge.
One reason may be the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision that allowed Wall Street, and the rest of corporate America, to, well, occupy the public square. When that decision came down, it was almost as though big business said: We’re not even going to pretend any more. We run this country.
JS Online Excerpt: Daniel Bice
For someone who vowed to serve as a "citizen legislator," U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson certainly is acting like a seasoned Washington insider.
First, Johnson hired a former lobbyist as his chief of staff. Then he announced that he was running for a top GOP post in the Senate and created a leadership fund.
Now it turns out that Johnson has paid cash for a $1 million-plus D.C. house within walking distance of his Senate office.
No sleeping on a cot in his legislative office for this first-term Republican.
JG Excerpt: (Oct. 23, 2011)
Schulte has noted that the board has levied less than the maximum tax in six of the past eight years.[...] As a result, an estimated $6 million of aid was not levied over the last two years," Shulte said.
In addition, the state will allow an extra $1 million in aid "if and only if the district uses its taxing authority to raise taxes to the maximum allowable under the law by fiscal year 2012-13.
"The state clearly wants school districts to raise taxes first," Schulte wrote.
Dear Friends and Neighbors
Come join me this week or next for one of my listening sessions. I want to hear from you and have important information to share as I continue to work for you in Washington.
Looking forward to seeing you.
The Daily Reporter Excerpt:
Walker promised that in his first term the state would add 250,000 jobs. But the state’s economy has followed national trends and remained sluggish.
FireDoglake Excerpt:
So, Bank of America customers must choose: are you part of the 1% or are you not? Do you protest the Bank of America fees, charges, user fees, payments, debit card fees, service charges, account fees and extra charges for accessing your own money? Or are you a customer?
Politico Excerpt:
So they’ve rolled out a jobs plan that amounts to a conservative’s dream agenda: targeting labor and environmental regulations, enacting a balanced-budget amendment to the Constitution, lowering corporate and individual tax rates, encouraging energy production and expanding free trade, according to a draft obtained by POLITICO.
WEAU Excerpt:
He says the Senate voted as it did because economic expansion must come from the private sector, not the government.
DailyKos Excerpt:
On Tuesday Senator Fred Risser (D–Madison) and Assemblyman Mark Pocan (D–Madison) introduced legislation to restore collective bargaining rights to public servants across the State of Wisconsin.
The bill if passed would,
[include] provisions to reinstate how unions are certified, to again allow for the collection of union dues and to reinstate the ability to collectively bargain for working conditions.
WEAU Excerpt:
He says the Senate voted as it did because economic expansion must come from the private sector, not the government.
Johnson Press Release Excerpt
Unfortunately, those who came to my Milwaukee office were more interested in scoring political points than discussing issues. They chose not to meet with my staff, but instead to be disorderly, which unfortunately resulted in their arrest by law enforcement."
DailyKos Excerpt:
Johnson is one callous lying SOB. These people knew that Johnson wasn't at his Milwaukee Headquarters. They are not stupid. They went in to speak with his staff. They were greeted by security and immediately told to leave. Cops instantaneously arrived and zip tied them and dragged them off on charges of trespassing. These protesters are not politicians trying to make "political points." They are his constituents trying desperately to be heard!
Here is that malcontent getting released from the slammer. She had it coming to her for having the gall to walk into her Senator's regional office. An afternoon on ice should teach her to act as if she lives in a representative democracy!
The zinger:
When the Bush tax cuts took effect in 2003, the unemployment rate was 6.2%, now in the ninth year of those cuts, unemployment is 9.1%, so where's the evidence that these tax cuts created jobs?
PoliticusUSA Excerpt:
According to Ryan, his plan will give consumers the needed incentive to demand more value from their healthcare. He said, “Giving patients and consumers control over health care resources would make all Americans less dependent on big business and big government for our health security; give us more control over the care we get; and force health care providers to compete for our business.”
I prefer posting excerpts with links to the original source for credit and proper attribution, but thought the only way to do this one justice was to post it in its entirety.
There you go, man, keep as cool as you can.
Face piles
Of trials
With smiles.
It riles them to believe
That you perceive
The web they weave
And keep on thinking free.
-- Moody Blues from "In The Beginning"
NPR Excerpt:
Legal observers with the National Lawyers Guild watched the events and plan to offer legal assistance. Bina Ahmad, wearing a bright green cap to signify her role as a Guild observer, said she saw police using unnecessary violence.
Reuters Report Excerpt:
Filmmaker Michael Moore and actress Susan Sarandon have stopped by the protesters' camp [...] The group has gained support among some union members. The United Federation of Teachers and the Transport Workers Union Local 100, which has 38,000 members, are among those pledging solidarity.