This is it. As reported on the Ed Show, Wisconsin Democratic Party Chairman Mike Tate announced that recall petitions will be circulated starting Nov. 15, giving supporters of the effort until Jan. 13 to collect 540,208 signatures. Despite gaining confidence from the successful recalls of two Republicans during the summer special elections, there are no illusions of grandeur in the recall of Walker. He has a committed and deep pocketed base of wealthy supporters that are prepared to drop up to $100 million in his defense. Plus, state Republicans have been scrambling to defund Democratic support groups and disenfranchise democratic voters at every turn. No question this will be a monumental task and require a huge effort of boots on the ground and lots of campaign cash.
The recall is justified since Scott Walker misled the state electorate when he stripped away collective bargaining and proceeded to balance the state budget on the backs of school teachers, public employees, the economically disadvantaged and the working poor. As predicted, locals are being forced to either raise taxes or impose new fees on themselves or cut hundreds of public employees in an effort to make up for deep cuts in state aid all the while he increased government spending by $1.1 billion.
So the timing is right and we have truth and momentum on our side. This should be enough to create the perfect storm to boot him out.
Plus, it's the absolute right thing to do.
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United Wisconsin - Putting People First
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Recall Scott
Walker seeks to set the rules for the recalls
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