The article headlined, Finding Solutions and Successes was replete with supporting quotes and flattering photographs, served absolutely no purpose other than to defend Kedzie and his "leadership" role on the state's ad hoc mining committee. This is the same mining committee that for all practical political purposes, stands as the symbol of the republican's epic legislative fail in that disaster. Of course I don't blame Kedzie for the committee's failure, afterall, the burden of the blame rests squarely on Sen. Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald for abruptly disbanding the committee with two minutes left in the game.
But what I did find out of the ordinary was the Gazette's writing props to defend and elevate what is in all actuality, a legislator who by his own actions serves as nothing more than a GOP party puppet.
JG Excerpt:
Kedzie was out as a leader on the mining issue. Without his leadership, no mining bill passed and the mine withdrew its interest in Wisconsin.
What a strange play on words. Is that why Gogebic Taconite withdrew its business interest? Because without Kedzie leading the way, it was hopeless? I don't buy it at all.
JG Excerpt:
Kedzie, never one to publicly criticize his party or its leaders, accepted the demotion without comment.
Members of his committee and others, all Democrats, jumped to Kedzie's defense.
It figures. Democrats jumped to his defense. But why…why would anyone publicly go to the defense of another politician, be it Democratic or Republican, who would rather stay quiet ...than stand up for himself and speak up for what he believes is right? I can understand Democrats standing with him if Kedzie pushed back a little or defended himself. But to accept the demotion without comment? Yet the writer, the Gazette's ever loyal Stan Milam, spends a half a page afterwards endorsing Kedzie as "standing firm," a consensus builder and leader? A leader who apparently never questions or criticizes his party or it's leaders??
The Gazette published this story as a front-page headline news article. People actually pay money to read that stuff.
I'll leave the rest up to you.

1 comment:
Headline should have been: "Finding Solutions and Successes in the Next Campaign for Re-election."
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