Today is Thursday, March 27, 2025

Friday, March 23, 2012

Will George Zimmerman Be The GOP's Next Rising Star?

Trayvon Martin was 17 and looked younger. He was armed with a can of Arizona iced tea and a box of skittles.

Huff Post Excerpt
The shooting of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman is a heartbreaking tragedy. But make no mistake, it is not a surprise that it happened in Florida, the NRA's closest thing to an armed utopia. In fact, much more so than any of the shills they had promoting their agenda in their big budget propaganda campaign, George Zimmerman is the embodiment of the gun lobby and its vision for America.

George Zimmerman is the NRA.


Usually it is self-appointed authoritarian racist deniers like Zimmerman that the GOP scouts recruit for political office. If enough minorities, poor whites, the disabled, women and any other disadvantaged or second-class citizens condemn Zimmerman for his actions, Republicans take that as a person with courage and will run him for state legislative office. And, if enough Liberals or Progressives, particularly those from the Left join in on the condemnation, for sure they'll elevate his candidacy to Congress. He must be doing something right, they figure.

FYI, it was Gov. Jeb Bush who signed the ALEC/NRA sponsored "Stand Your Ground" gun law that allowed Zimmerman to shoot and kill Martin with impunity.

In Wisconsin, the NRA made multiple contributions to Scott Walker and lobbied republican legislators heavily to pass Wisconsin's "Concealed Carry" and "Castle Doctrine" laws. So far, only one young person is dead after making the mistake of hiding on a porch after police arrived at an underaged drinking party next door. The homeowner shot and killed the unarmed trespasser and remains exempt from prosecution. Many people believe the newly enacted "Castle Doctrine" triggered a soft investigation and are beginning to feel Wisconsin Republicans have blood on their hands.

Strange as it seems, modern day conservatives take all of this steadily growing outrage and social disorder against their backward "reforms" as a sure sign that it's all working according to plan.

1 comment:

aj scott said...

Thank you for this post. Each new revelation makes this dreadful tragedy a yet more sickening monument to
stupidity (Florida government including then gov Jeb Bush), greed (the nra), and racism (the would-be macho "lawman."

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