Today is Friday, March 28, 2025

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Possible Bombshell: Gov. Romney Gave State Contract To Firm he Had Stake In

Mitt Romney may have breached state ethics laws as Governor of Massachusetts by holding a stake in a company that did lucrative work for his administration and was linked to the family of Paul Ryan, a Daily Telegraph investigation has found.

Telegraph Excerpt:
One of his vice-presidential candidate's brothers, who is a former Bain consultant, was at the time of the investment a senior executive at the marketing company, Imagitas, which was co-founded by another former Bain executive.

Both Mr Romney and Tobin Ryan, who omits his work at Imagitas from his corporate biography, also apparently stood to benefit from the $230 million (£146 million) sale of the company in 2005, while Mr Romney remained in office.

Wow. For 3 years in the 90's, Tobin Ryan, who is a member of the redstate anti-union Rock County 5.0 activist group, was a senior manager at the outsourcing pioneer's Bain & Company, the business bankruptcy firm where Romney made his ill-begotten fortune. What a dirty nexus of conniving crooks. So what does the GOP do? They run 'em for the highest office in the land. This one story looks like it could spring legs for a dozen more.

About those tax returns ...did we see everything we need to know? Maybe we should forget those tax returns and start asking for a federal indictment instead.

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