Today is Thursday, March 27, 2025

Friday, February 04, 2011

Tea Party Legislator Delivers Vote For Local Cartel

In this press release, State Assembly Rep. Joe Knilans explains how he fought through the recent blizzard to deliver his vote at the state capitol for the special interest group "Rock County 5.0."

The legislative bills, AB6 and AB8, are expected to transform the state's Department of Commerce into a shadowy public/private nexus of government leeches and campaign contributors under the guise of job creation and would give the governor vast executive power to unilaterally approve of administrative rules without legislative challenge.

"During a snow storm when public agencies are closed and many major roads remain impassible, Republican legislators passed bills that eliminate transparency," -- State Rep. Kelda Helen Roys

Just for the record, the following is the membership of the local business cartel Knilans referenced in his press release.

ROCK COUNTY 5.0 Membership

Diane Hendricks, ABC Supply Co., co-chair
Mary Willmer-Sheedy, M&I Bank, co-chair
David Cullen, J.P. Cullen & Sons
Diane Ramsey, Alliant Energy
Gerry Behan, Kerry Americas
Henry Knueppel, Regal-Beloit Corp.
Jane Blain-Gilbertson, Blain Supply
Jim Fisher, Fairbanks Morse, retired
Jim Fitzgerald, The Fitzgerald Group
Joe Pregont, Prent Corp.
Paul Palmby, Seneca Foods Corp.
Richard Gruber, Mercy Health System
Rob Gerbitz, Hendricks Development Group
Ron Ochs, Janesville Foundation
Steve Eldred, First National Bank & Trust Co.
Tim McKevett, Beloit Memorial Hospital
Tobin Ryan
Tom Ptacin, Klobucar Construction Co.

Related: Assembly Republicans’ “Pay to Play” Day Undeterred by Blizzard Republican leaders: "No problem if the public can’t come, there's nothing to see here."


Anonymous said...

It's one big club and you ain't in it.

Richard Costerisan said...

Pretty smug comment huh? What decent person would want to be in that club?

Anonymous said...

Republicans support corporate welfare while they decry socialist public welfare programs. Our tax dollars disappear into the coffers of the rich and powerful. Soon we will truly be a third-world country, surviving on the scraps. No social security? Too bad, you should have invested your savings more wisely. No health care? Too bad, you should have taken better care of yourself. No job? Too bad, you should have worked harder while you had one. And sorry about taking your house in foreclosure, but we can't give just anyone a pass on their debts unless you are a corporation owner, you understand.

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