Today is Thursday, March 27, 2025

Friday, August 12, 2011

Two Worthy Actions On The Radar Screen

Take Action to Stop the Cycle of Election Fraud in Waukesha County!

Wisconsin Wave

During the Tuesday, August 9th recall elections serious questions were raised about the integrity of the electoral process in Waukesha County. While not as startling as the violations that occurred during the Supreme Court race last spring, these reports of voter suppression, intimidation, and results tampering continue a longtime trend and are alarming enough to require immediate attention.

Please call Eric Holder at 202-514-2000 or email him at

Tell him that only an independent, federal investigation can determine whether or not there were fair elections in Waukesha County on August 9th and in past elections. Will you take action on this issue today?

More information here.

Rebuild the American Dream

Momentum is already gathering behind the Contract. Yesterday, joined by 100 members of the American Dream movement, Rep. Jan Schakowsky unveiled her "Emergency Jobs to Restore the American Dream Act" in Chicago. It would create 2.2 million jobs by putting people to work rebuilding infrastructure, teaching our children, and protecting our communities, and pay for it by taxing millionaires and billionaires.


Click here to show your support for this proposal.

Americans who are willing to work hard and play by the rules should be able to find a decent job, get a good home in a strong community, retire with dignity and give their kids a better life. Every one of us...has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That is our covenant, our compact and our contract with one another...

1. Invest in America's Infrastructure
2. Create 21st-Century Energy Jobs
3. Invest in Public Education
4. Offer Medicare for All
5. Make Work Pay
6. Secure Social Security
7. Return to Fairer Tax Rates
8. End the Wars and Invest at Home
9. Tax Wall Street Speculation
10. Strengthen Democracy

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