Today is Thursday, March 27, 2025

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Another Grand Achievement For Our Congressman

Save The Rich Excerpt:
"Astro Turf." Fake grassroots. It’s what you get when big business and rich zealots hire pricey consultants to manufacture public outrage. With big budgets, limitless manpower, sophisticated targeting, and a sympathetic media channel, it's not difficult to generate anger.
Think Progress Excerpt:
The lobbyist-run groups Americans for Prosperity and FreedomWorks, which orchestrated the anti-Obama tea parties earlier this year, are now pursuing an aggressive strategy to create an image of mass public opposition to health care and clean energy reform.
AFP Excerpt: (Feb. 2008)
The Wisconsin Chapter of Americans for Prosperity announced today that United States Congressman Paul Ryan, will receive the Defender of The American Dream Award for National.
AFP is just one of several groups distributing the “Rocking the Town Halls – Best Practices” political action memos.

It did take a high level of arrogance and cock-sureness to lead the charge for a tea party in a congressional district you're not representative of and organized by a rent-a-mob group.

Bravo - Mister Congressman - Bravo

Read more here: Unruly Mob Harasses Seniors At Kagen Listening Session

And here: Angry Mob Wins Shouting Match

And here: Shut up, They Teabagged

And here: Freshman Democratic lawmaker ‘physically assaulted'

Guess how much Paul Ryan received in contributions from the health care industry over the past ten years? Answer here.

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