Today is

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Are Gazette subscribers stupid?

The July 20th Gazette editorial reported that Troy Reagles, a member of the Sierra club planted five trees without a permit on city property in Madison. The city claims he was trying to expand his backyard and will tear them out and bill him $3,800. Unfortunately the Gazette then makes a sophomoric attempt to compare the City of Madison’s decision to the Briarmoon Barn issue. However, the big difference here is the Briarmoon barn is not sitting on city property or conversely, Reagles would have had to plant the trees on his own property without the permits for this analogy to work.

Nevertheless the paper mocked the cause of liberals and insinuated their goals can only be achieved by lawbreaking. Perhaps I have been giving the Gazette more credit than they deserve. Maybe their intended perverse right-wing slant is an accident and not the finely executed propaganda I thought it was.


Unknown said...

The analogy is that each person violated city codes; each person is responsible for allowing or placing something that doesn't belong.

Lou Kaye said...

BB, I would agree with your take on this providing the Gazette did not inject a person (name) completely unrelated to the story subject for the analogy. But they did. Each person is responsible for their own actions that violate city codes, and city codes are no doubt violated very often. Injecting Briarmoon or any other private person was wrong and malicious.

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