The article in Saturday’s Janesville Gazette by Stan Milam titled “How will new leader change Senate?” was just more proof of both the partisan and gender gap that still exists in American politics. Milam’s article spent little time on the titled subject, finally stretching 3 sentences of the final paragraph about expectations from the new majority leader Decker, and spent most of the story misjudging and bashing former majority leader Judy Robson.
Spooner Advocate Attribution Excerpt:
The gender gap has also been played. Robson’s ouster has been compared to that of former Senate Majority Leader Mary Panzer, a West Bend Republican. That’s a twisted comparison.
But two dominant features of this twisted comparison are undeniable. One, they were both unfairly “targeted” by their party and number two, they’re both women. But there's a third, the inability to recognize leadership. But even if we ignore that, Milam says….. .
Spooner Advocate Attribution Excerpt:
Robson was sent packing as a direct result of her performance as majority leader. Panzer was targeted by her own party and voted out of office. She lost her leadership post because she was no longer senator.
This is confusing, I would guess Milam is attempting to prove Robson and Panzer were targeted for the same reasons, their performance? or … for other reasons? Because, Milam goes further….
Spooner Advocate Attribution Excerpt:
Panzer, a moderate, was called out by Milwaukee talk show hosts Charlie Sykes and Mark Belling in a relentless attack surrounding her inability to force a vote on TABOR….Panzer could have called the vote, but the measure would have failed anyways.
Sure, when party members listen to vicious talk-radio whack jobs and certifiable nuts for guidance, this is exactly what you get, clear and intelligent decision making.
Spooner Advocate Attribution Excerpt:
Hard-core GOP conservatives could have cared less if the measure passed. They wanted a roll call to identify RINOS – Republicans in name only.
The GOP listened to those whack jobs and used her refusal to bring up the irrelevant TABOR to a useless vote as an inability to perform, when just the opposite was true. But now it is a full blown war based on internal partisanship targeting Panzer’s moderation which in this case is just another word for bi-partisanship, something Republicans claim democrats lack. Very much just like Robson. Remember, Robson has been accused of giving up too much.
And this is where clueless partisans like GOP newspaper editors across the state have called Robson too liberal, ineffective and not a leader. Their attacks on her are purely ideological and an attempt to cover up their own party’s misleadership, incompetence and utter failure to negotiate in good faith. Robson and Panzer, dislodged from leadership because of performance, ineffectiveness or too moderate? They want you to think that.
Robson’s high-performance ability to cross the partisan gap put the GOP in a position they never wanted to see and were incapable of dealing with, the uncomfortable position to actually negotiate. And because Huebsch and his rag-tag team of assembly republicans couldn’t cross the gender gap either, they simply walked out. Unfortunately, all of this was misread by some of Robson’s colleagues, they viewed Huebsch’s incompetence as strength and figured surely, there must be something wrong with us.
Hostage takers only have one thing on their side, time to do nothing, and the state assembly used it to an advantage once they realized a third party, Jim Doyle was willing to step in. This is one area where State Democrats should have suggested that the Guv butt out. But they didn’t. Doyle blinked and the rest is history.
There are few in Wisconsin politics more at the top of the game, with more experience, moderation and leadership than Judy Robson. I'm not taking anything away from Decker but, state democrats made a mistake displacing her from the leadership role, they are best wise to keep her close.
Robson: Much To Be Proud Of The Janeville Gazette always gets in a word to push their twisted agenda, titled this article by Robson as “Robson
Remains Proud Of Her Record” assuming you swallowed their misinformation campaign against her, the Gazette would like you to believe she still
remains proud, as if she did something wrong and defiantly stands against their wisdom. The Gazette pulls this stunt quite often and is actually very good at these soft distortions.