Today is Thursday, March 27, 2025

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Republican Policies Turning Wisconsin Into Third-World Mercenary State

Here's another fast moving story sweeping through the Wisconsin intertubes about mercenary-style corporate security guards taking possession of areas in the Penokee Mountains.

Once again, Wisconsin bloggers and citizen journalists were first to record and report on the situation, easily beating Wisconsin's corporate-owned lamestream media to the punch. Of note is this posting at Blue Cheddar containing a list of media outlets for readers to contact to help further expose this ongoing travesty of lawless corporate rule and intimidation.

There were some early attempts by social media right-wingers to debunk the story by claiming the heavily armed individuals were false flags (mine opposition) staged to discredit the mining interests by depicting GTAC as armed thugs guarding the raid and rape of Wisconsin's natural resources. But the false flag narrative fell apart like a house of cards once a video exposing the corps-hired mercenaries was posted on YouTube. Watch it:

The remaining bits and pieces of the story up to this point include Gogebic Taconite spokesperson, Bob Seitz, admitting that the heavily-armed security force belongs to GTAC and were hired to spy on and gather information on nearby campers. That is followed by an open letter from two state legislators to Gogebic Taconite President Bill Williams calling on him to immediately remove the heavily armed masked commando security from the the Penokee Hills. You can read their full letter here.

There's no question in my mind that state republicans will take the low road and work on something quickly to limit public access to public property just like they did at the State Capitol. Wisconsin is single-party rule so there is no check or balance to the republican mob.


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Tuesday, July 9, 2013 at 7:00 AM Joy Cardin’s show on Wisconsin Public Radio is an update on armed guards patrolling the public land where GTAC wants to put in an iron mine.

- Mike Simonson, Wisconsin Public Radio reporter in Superior; he's been covering the mining issue in northern Wisconsin.
- Janet Bewley, Democratic State Representative from Ashland, whose district includes the proposed mining site.
- Mike Wiggins, Tribal Chairman of the Bad River Band of Lake Superior Ojibwe

You can join the conversations by calling 1-800-642-1234 (Madison Listeners please use 263-1890). You can also e-mail questions to


Indian Country News - Hired Guns In The Penokee Mountains

OPED News - GTAC Mine and Scott Walker

DailyKos -Mercenaries In Northwoods Wisconsin Protecting Destruction

United In Defense Of Water - Upcoming meetings On Mining and Water Issues

Blogging Blue - The New Face of Gogebic Taconite

Northland News Center - Tribal Flags Stolen In Penokee Hills

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