Today is Thursday, March 27, 2025

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Janesville Advisory Committee Loaded With Divide and Conquer Boosters

The Janesville Gazette title, "Residents will help pick city manager" is pretty short on honesty when the residents they refer to is a select group of eleven individuals hand-picked by the Janesville City Council President Kathy Voskuil.

Of major alarm are seven individuals on the committee of whom are little more than second-string boosters for the politically active collectivist business group, Forward Janesville, and its sister cartel, the notorious Rock County 5.0. Janesville does not have elected mayoral leadership accountable to the people, so the city manager performing in the role of an employee, can become a powerful puppet and tool for the insiders club driving the appointment.

Members of the City Manager Recruitment Advisory Committee are:

Gazette Excerpt:

- Mark Bush, chairman of Data Dimensions.
- David Cullen, CEO of JP Cullen & Sons.
- Steve Kennedy, vice president Rock Road.
- Jeff Helgesen, president of Helgesen Development.
- Dave Riemer, owner of Harris Ace Hardware.
- Joe Pregont, president and CEO of Prent.
- Larry Squire, regional president of Johnson Bank.
- Lisa Furseth, executive director of Community Action.
- Kay Dupree, representing neighborhoods.
- Kristin Fillhouer, assistant dean at UW-Rock County.
- Ed Madere, retired city manager.

I would be hard-pressed to find a consensus in the blue-collar neighborhoods of Janesville to agree with the make-up of this committee. Yet, very few in the city seem to connect Janesville's at-large elected council with essentially having your neighborhood or representation being permanently redistricted out of power, or care to do something about how Janesville's so-called "progressive" system of government has been exploited and co-opted by a self-interest wealthy minority.


Anonymous said...

Kristin Fillhouer is a good person. Not sure how she got put on the committee.

Unknown said...

Then maybe you and the writer are wrong about the committee.

Lou Kaye said...

Being "loaded" with divide and conquer boosters doesn't mean all of them.

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