Today is

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Is Hardcore Walker Newspaper Beginning To Waver?

From a newspaper that endorsed the likes of Bush/Cheney, McCain/Palin, Scott Walker, David Prosser, J.B. Van Hollen, Paul Ryan, Ron Johnson, Romney/Ryan, Tommy Thompson, Ryan again, Walker again and Ryan, Walker, Ryan, Walker, Ryan, Walker …forever and ever, comes this little jab at Walker (and at themselves) in their endorsement of Tony Evers for State School Super.

Editorial excerpt:
Evers’ opponent in Tuesday’s election is state Rep. Don Pridemore, R-Hartford. He’s an extreme demagogue who sees nothing wrong with Walker’s budget plans.

Is the armor breaking? Are pigs flying?

But wait! A couple weeks ago, the Gazette was also miffed by Walker's crazy ass decree meant to pit casino tribes against each other by granting any one of them the power to veto any new off-reservation casino proposal in the state of Wisconsin.

Unable to show any leadership of his own and unwilling to take a position he would have to stand with at the next juncture, Walker continues to divide and conquer others for his own benefit. That's all he does and he does it well. But this time because it may effect the casino development in local Beloit and the Gazette's own personal pockets, the Gazette's editorial asked, "If Walker opposes casinos, why not simply say so?

You mean like if Walker opposed collective bargaining, why didn't he simply say so during his campaign in 2010? Yeah, if only we all knew. Well, it's a little late but better than never I suppose.

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