Today is

Friday, November 16, 2012

Walker's Rejection of State-Run Exchanges Comes With a Silver Lining

I'm really torn on the decision made today by our hapless governor on health care exchanges. Scott Walker hasn't done much well in the state and his management style, if what he does can be described as management, tends to be limited by his gridlocked zero sum thinking usually resulting in a hollowed out government agency run by political operatives whose failures are rewarded with indictments. So, I wouldn't want him in charge of a state-run health care exchange. Period.

But beyond his incompetence, I think Walker's decision to reject the exchanges and place full control back to the federal government was expected and will help attract and solidify future support for the reasoning for nationalized control of health care commerce between the states. This should be just another baby-step towards nationalized universal health care in my view. Unfortunately, only time will tell.

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