Today is Friday, March 28, 2025

Monday, January 23, 2012

Oh What a Tangled Web Walker Weaves

Last week I received four campaign placards in the mail from the Republican Party of Wisconsin pushing Scott Walker's misdeeds. The cards were loaded with all the common bumper sticker slogans and half-truth platitudes that most of us have come to expect from the party of ghouls. One falsehood however stuck out a little more than the rest...

Republican Party Campaign Placard For Scott Walker:
FACT - A $3.6 billion budget deficit was eliminated, without raising our taxes.

Well, I guess whether Walker really wiped out a deficit or not depends on if you're poor or a supporter of Obama's health care reform. Because if that's the case - then everything changes.

Richards Press Release excerpt:
Contradicting repeated claims by Gov. Walker that he has balanced the state budget, his administration told federal health officials late last month in writing that Wisconsin has a budget deficit so it could drop health care for Wisconsin families. That’s according to documents released today by Rep. Jon Richards (D-Milwaukee).

On Dec. 29, Walker administration secretary Mike Huebsch sent a letter to federal health secretary Kathleen Sebelius certifying that Wisconsin will have a budget deficit through June 30, 2013. By certifying that its budget isn’t balanced, the Walker administration can now dodge a federal law requiring it to continue providing health care for up to 53,000 residents. The Walker Administration letter contrasts starkly with public comments by Walker, who has claimed repeatedly since June that his budget is balanced.

That's right. When it comes to playing politics with the poor and our health care in Wisconsin, the state has a massive budget deficit according to the Walker Administration. But when it comes to playing politics with re-election campaign rhetoric and his own career, the state has a balanced budget and surplus.

Somebody is lying.

Note: Walker is cleaning up the tangled web related to his support and policy outline for the Office of Free Market Health Care. Soon after I posted this link to Walker's Web Site, the page was removed.

Related Reading:

Rock Netroots - Walker Plays Politics, Turns Down Millions For State Health Care Exchanges

Free Wisconsin Walker is TOLD - Drop $36 million Grant

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's the link to Walker's campaign site.

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