Today is Thursday, March 27, 2025

Friday, August 19, 2011

Rip Rap

Pro-Ryan letter writer says future generations would be hurt under his plan.

"Ryan has proposed a fix to the Medicare program so future generations will be able to participate in it and no one older than 55 would be hurt." -- K.P., Franksville (Janesville Gazette)

Pope Decries Profits over people.

"Man must be at the center of the economy, and the economy cannot be measured only by maximization of profit but rather according to the common good."

Click here to stand with Warren Buffett and demand the tax cuts on the rich be rolled back.

Jon Stewart On Warren Buffett

For those who have been too busy hating to notice

For those who insist that Obama did not produce a budget, click here.

Here's another great big lie - that Paul Ryan has the only plan out there. The Progressive Congressional Caucus developed a gutsy budget proposal that balances the budget through a blend of higher taxes and cuts to discretionary spending and defense. Click here for more.

What would Molly Ivins Say About Rick Perry?

Another good read.
It ain’t called disaster capitalism for nothing

Koch Brothers Exposed
The goal is wealth transfer -- from the public sector to the private sector through privatization of the school systems. But first you must systematically tear down the system, defund and legitimatize it, blame the parents, the teachers, the unions -- and then you have opened the door for "the solution," which is to bring in the corporations to run things using a "business model." It is all about greed and nothing about education. And it appears to be working.

Despite vicious attacks and misinformation campaigns against unions, they're still trusted more than mainstream media, Congress and Wall Street.

Cepeda Excerpt:
A February 2010 Harris poll found that the public had about as little confidence in organized labor as they did in the mainstream media and big business -- only a few points above Wall Street and Congress.

Anders Breivik Holds “Savior” Mentality Common In Mainstream American Conservatives

Breivik's lawyer has said he has confessed to the terror attacks, but denies criminal guilt because he believes the massacre was necessary to save Norway and Europe from Muslims and punish politicians who have embraced multiculturalism.

Remembering when Ryan thought the debt was too small

Where should I begin? Just to keep this in the modern era, I'd say with heavy military action imminent immediately following 9/11, the Bush administration should have raised taxes to at least pay for the war effort. They did not. Instead, they went in the opposite direction and cut taxes.

In the beginning, Bush himself thought a tax cut for the wealthy was out of order but went along with it after being convinced that deficits don't matter. They took a CBO projected $6 trillion surplus and turned it into a $6 trillion deficit. It took a $12 trillion spending spree to accomplish that reversal! But at that time, Rep. Paul Ryan felt that in order to cut down on the projected surplus, the Bush tax cuts must be made even deeper. Remember too that Ryan strongly believes in voodoo economics. That tax cuts generate more revenue but somewhere along the Laffer Curve he felt if the Bush tax cuts were made even deeper than suggested, the surplus projected would be less large. Ryan's main fear was that if the too large surplus was not eliminated, the government would pay off the entire national debt and start buying up private industry. Really, this is not a joke.

Keep in mind Ryan is now the House Budget Chairman.

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