Today is Thursday, March 27, 2025

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Fitzwalkerstan Loses 12,500 Private Sector Jobs in July

Fitzwalkerstan's unemployment numbers continue to rise in a free fall under the leadership of Scott Walker.

Government Creates 4,300 Jobs

JS Online Excerpt:
The government sector, which includes state and local public agencies, added 4,300 jobs. And so the cumulative loss of non-farm jobs in July amounted to 8,200.

The state's unemployment rate rose to 7.8% from 7.6% in June. All the figures are seasonally adjusted.

Points to Default Threat By Congress For Job Loss

JS Online Excerpt:
"Wisconsin is not immune to the national economic slowdown this summer, and we are seeing the effects of the national economy in our July numbers," Department of Workforce Development Secretary Scott Baumbach said in a statement. "The wild market fluctuations during the debt ceiling negotiations, the European debt crisis and other factors contributed to a great deal of uncertainty, which may very well have affected Wisconsin's job numbers given our state's ties to the national economy."

National unemployment rate drops from 9.2% to 9.1% over the same period of time.

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