Today is

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

After Voter ID, Walker Proposes Closing Ft. Atkinson and 9 other DMVs

After signing a law disenfranchising ID-less Voters, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is working on finalizing a plan to close as many as 10 offices where people can obtain driver’s licenses and state photo IDs for voting at the polls.

Think progress Excerpt:
One Democratic lawmaker said Friday it appeared the decisions were based on politics, with the department targeting offices for closure in Democratic areas and expanding hours for those in Republican districts. [...] Rep. Andy Jorgensen, D-Fort Atkinson, called on the state Department of Transportation to reconsider its plants to close the Fort Atkinson DMV center. The department plans to expand by four hours a week the hours of a center about 30 minutes away in Watertown. [...]

Walker figures, what's an extra 30 minutes of driving to Wisconsin's working poor, disabled and seniors? Brown bag it.

This week however, Ft. Atkinson will have a unique opportunity to let Walker know just how they feel about losing their DMV.

As noticed at the Lost Continent:

A [...] reception awaits Gov. Walker in Fort Atkinson on July 28th, where he is scheduled to dedicate a building used to improve the lot of the disabled, a group he is normally attempting to render even more destitute through his policies. Anyone interested in unwelcoming the governor can do so starting around 5:00 PM at 100 East Cramer in Fort Atkinson. His Highness is scheduled to speak at 7:00PM

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