Today is

Friday, February 18, 2011

Wisconsin Solidarity - A Sharper Image

I've been deluged with requests from readers whether they can borrow the Wisconsin Solidarity graphic posted here on my blog. The answer is yes, individuals can use the graphic on their Webpages, blogs, Facebook, etc., and also on posters and their personal T-shirts for the protests in Madison and elsewhere. To those individuals I am only asking that you leave the Rock Netroots name intact in the bottom left corner.

Of course, I drew this graphic about a week ago inspired by the rising solidarity movement taking place here in Wisconsin. The original image was drawn intentionally small (416px wide by 387px in height) so it would not lose proportion and become distorted while being shrunk down by Blogger to fit on my blog. With that said, some of the requests received were for a larger image for T-shirts and posters along with higher resolution. Several folks asked if I can supply it billboard size. Thanks for that. I love it!!

If someone however is interested in using the image for personal gain and profit (such as selling T-shirts, placards or a billboard!!, I kindly suggest that you email me to work out a deal. I'm reasonable.

* Sorry folks, but the larger hi-res image is no longer available *


Anonymous said...


GREAT job on the SOLIDARITY logo and great gesture to let it be used to fight corporate fascism. Could you possibly add cities ABOVE Eau Claire? I live near Superior and there are busloads going down (I, unfortunately, cannot). It is common for people near Madison to think cities above Eau Claire do not exist. We're used to it; that's why the annual "Superior Days" visit to the legislature was organized many years ago. I do believe it's happening THIS weekend. It would be a HUGE boost to us and our Senator (one of them), BOB JAUCH, if you recognized a least Superior, Ashland, Hayward and Hurley.


dale r. botten
(didn't intend "Anonymous", but that's the only way I could get it to post)

Lou Kaye said...

I will be adding more of Wisconsin great towns. That was an unintentional gaffe on my part.

Anonymous said...

Posters would be wonderful!!!!

Anonymous said...

unfortunately cafe press also makes Tea Party anti-Obama stuff. I won't buy from them.

Lou Kaye said...

Anonymous 9:21PM, they also make a lot of pro-Obama and democratic stuff too. But I'm willing to listen. If you know of a pro-Obama, pro-left only distributor, (not a member of a local chamber of commerce - even better) with the same distribution, marketing tools and pricing the same or better than Cafepress - I'd like to know. It's a competitive marketplace and I'd be quick on the draw to move over. Please, I'm not kidding. If anyone knows, feel free to drop the link here.

Anonymous said...

Lou, thanks so much for sharing your artwork!! You rock!

Vicki said...

Are you Noelslight? Been trying to get a hold of you if you are...can you email me?

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