620 WTMJ Excerpt: (Posted Jan.8, 2010)What brought that about? I mean, who and why is he reminding of his priorities.
"Regarding your question, there is a zero percent chance I will be seeking the Republican’s nomination for President in 2012. The residents of Wisconsin’s First Congressional District are my employers, and I’m asking them to rehire me this fall. My top priorities are to be a good husband, a good father to my three young children, and a principled representative to my employers in Southern Wisconsin."
JS Online Excerpt: (Posted Jan.10, 2010)Oh, well that explains it.
Ryan will headline a Feb. 26 fund-raiser for the New Hampshire Republican Party as well as host a separate fund-raiser for the state's Young Republicans in Manchester. State party officials asked Ryan to raise funds for them because of his advocacy for fiscal conservative principles.
That's why he had to remind everybody how important his family and constituents are while he's off vacationing the national scene. Just in case anyone forgot. I've got to hand it to the congressman - he holds firm to the individualist philosophy of Ayn Ran...ah, I mean Paul Ryan. It's Ryan first, party second and everybody else third.
While Ryan's district is suffering through one of it's worst economic periods in it's history, the tea-bagging extremist congressman wants everyone to know what his priorities are. Yet really, what could he do for his district in the meantime? Admittedly, his rigid ideology prevents him from doing anything. On the other hand, what has he EVER done for his district? Even less. So, it's OK Mister Congressman, in February you can go to New Hampshire and if you didn't remind us, we probably would've never known you ever left.
The Racine Post Blog also picked up on Ryan's ploy.
Note: The JS Online/Ryan column is not open to comments.

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