Today is Monday, March 31, 2025

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Expect Wider Class Divide

A report by the Pew Center placed Wisconsin among a list of states at risk of a deepening economic distress similar to that of California.
JG Excerpt:
Wisconsin On List Of Ailing States (Nov. 11, 2009)
A report released Wednesday by the Pew Center on the States says Arizona, Florida, Illinois, Michigan, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Rhode Island and Wisconsin also are at risk of fiscal calamity.
Google News Excerpt:
Wisconsin officials issued a statement late Wednesday saying the Pew report was inaccurate. Wisconsin Department of Administration Secretary Michael Morgan said the state has balanced its budget by cutting spending and raising revenue. It projects a $270 million budget surplus for the period ending July 1, 2011, Morgan said in his statement.
JG Excerpt: (April 9, 2008)
Rich Getting Rich Faster
Rich people in Wisconsin are getting richer faster than middle-income earners and the poor. A couple of reports released today shows the gap between the rich and poor isn't as wide in Wisconsin as in the rest of the country - but the gap is growing.
While the state struggles to balance the books, organized paymasters have the time and the means to extort tax cuts, credits and exemptions from government under the guise of "partnership" and job creation. Their continued success will mean home-owning wage-earners and the working poor should expect to pay a much larger share of the local tax burden.

Hurry! Pass this legislation before the fools catch on.

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