The following quotebox was found in a comment posting at
Express Milwaukee. The author apparently then sent his viewpoint to the Janesville Gazette. It was published in Tuesday's paper.
Express Milwaukee Excerpt:
Paul Ryan is for Paul Ryan. I attended a listening session in Kenosha 4/16 & suggested to the congressman as he stood up front in his well pressed suit, shiny shoes and neat hair cut that he Sponor an UN-Bill to negate Health Coverage for all Congress members and all Senators. Until All American has as good a plan as he & his family. He seems to think that was humorous. Although he commented on all others questions in the meeting, he did not answer or comment on my suggestion. I doubt the 50 million of Americans without Health Coverage & others with inadequate coverage thinks its funny that they have no or limited coverage while he enjoys a Plan that is 75% funded (a nice perk) & he pays only 25%. It's barbaric that we have a health system that favors elected officals, yet not for ourselves. Yes very, very funny Paul for those who can't afford the medication needed, must decide to go to the doctor or pay rent. Extremely funny Paul!! -- Bill
WTF! The Gazette printed that! Really! I've got to go out and get that paper.
I ran out and bought the paper. OMG! They really printed it! I'm Stunned! I heard today that Sheridan may run against Ryan. Is the Gazette repositioning?
Isn't that amazing!! Hurry go get it because they might pull yesterday's issues off the stands and then you'll miss it. Sheridan might run? What will the Gazette do now? Wow! Are you worried? Will the Gazette take a position? What will Ryan do?
Lou - I think you finally struck a chord with some of the backwood simpletons with this posting.
Great title, lousy post.
Hey, Thanks for taking the time to have some "off the wall"fun with me Lou! Seriously,Your commentary is a breath of fresh air in a stale community and I look forward to reading it every day.
If I can't take a shot or a joke, I shouldn't be here. Thanks for the straight talk. Its appreciated.
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