Excerpt:That was true. Although council members were quick to throw someone elses (taxpayer) money to the deep-pocketed private venture even without an agreement (completely reckless), they did not appear enthusiastic enough to cut $50,000 donations from their own personal checking accounts. But it was a slam dunk on an order no different than most of their rubber stamping sessions.
However, the council was so enthusiastic about the project it also approved a resolution funding $200,000 for the modifications. That resolution wasn't yet on the agenda, but it was mentioned in the presentations.
The tone from the city administration was set by the new city manager himself when he opened up the presentation on behalf of the politically connected special interest group. His part in the concession group’s sales job apparently was to convince taxpayers that the bond issue to pay for the $230,000 worth of structural building changes at the arena will cost property owners only about $1.20 a year over ten years and thus have little impact on property tax bills. That'll work every time. Just pennies a month. However, many of the details to the plot remained hidden away from the public’s eyes and ears. And who could blame them after watching the council's embarrassing behavior. No information was given as to who will pay for liability insurance, utility bills, EMS, security, etc.
By far the most entertaining part of the council meeting was watching the team’s name-dropping spokesman open up and rattle off his resume of political activism and GOP cronies which included working for Gov. Tom Thompson and lobbying on behalf of Forward Janesville, just to name two. Well I was impressed.
In a telling move two weeks ago, the Janesville city council endorsed the legislative agenda of the quasi-chamber of commerce, Forward Janesville. Now beholden to special interest groups, the brazenly partisan Janesville city council's decision to approve of the politically connected hockey group was no surprise.
City Council Excerpt:
"Our business model will have a primary focus on Wisconsin kids" -- WHP spokesperson
And despite all the blather about the positive economic impact the team will have on the city, Janesville taxpayers will still be on the hook subsidizing the ice arena for $65,000 a year, just like we are now without the junior hockey team. Unless by some miracle the city administration changes it's past economic philosophy of giving away the ship, and actually writes a contract to return direct dividends to the taxpayer......don't hold your breath.
Anyone who thinks the council's action on this matter was "progressive" is delusional. It was like much of the rest of the city administration’s handling of the city’s assets. It appears to be nothing more than just another reckless and backward handout to a private entity.
Judging by the exhibition from the special interest spokesperson at the council meeting, the Wisconsin Hockey Partners organization appears to be nothing more than an ad hoc business venture to sell beer, concessions and corporate sponsorship, that it happens to be junior hockey seemed almost inconsequential.
Cheers, Janesville city council!!
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