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Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Company Driven Economy

A conservative economics teacher at a liberal arts college explains…..
JS Online Excerpt:
So I tell them, "The next time you hear about the evil oil companies, the evil Wal-Marts or any other evil company, remember that without them, you would not be at this institution, I would not be here, your other professors would not be here and the new building would not be built."
But can these companies even once create the jobs from the profits that pay the wages to pay our taxes without the “evil?”
Companies are the economic engine that drives the economy of the United States of America.
But there is something missing from this equation. It's amazing how the writer gives such refined praise to companies as the singular economic engine powering the economy. And as long as companies can single-handedly generate self-sustaining profits and reap all the credit, who needs customers?

Read another view here and here.


John said...

Not to mention she got the concept of "profit" all wrong.

My rant here:

Lou Kaye said...

Excellent - excellent. I think her circle of logic offended the senses more than the title itself. The worst is she passes herself off as a "teacher."

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