Today is Thursday, March 27, 2025

Monday, September 17, 2007

State Tax Ranking Game A Game

Sunday’s Janesville Gazette Editorial "Alliance’s report on state finances could cut rhetoric," focused on the Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance report on comparing tax burdens of "peer" states.

I don’t know how the costs of the war in Iraq figures into this but as of now, it’s $7,300,000,000 and counting. In 4 1/2 years that amounts to over $1.5 billion a year for Wisconsin alone. Are these deferred costs rolled into future debt or are they cuts or shifts in Federal spending? Or is this revenue just mysteriously sucked out of the economy. One way or another, IT IS A TAX. The cost burden for the Iraq war was not mentioned in the editorial, yet it differs from state to state. Perhaps it's part of some meaningless nonsense that will just add to the rhetoric.
JG Editorial Excerpt:
200 MILLION The drop in Federal dollars coming to Wisconsin between 2004 and 2005.
What exactly is between the years 2004 and 2005? New Years Day? Is this in addition to $1.5 billion shifted to Iraq?
Wistax Excerpt:
If the state is ranked using it’s four principle taxes – individual and corporate income, property and sales…..
Whoa…hold it right there. If anyone has been following any of my observations here about corporate taxes, it should come as no surprise in the state of Wisconsin that corporations don’t pay taxes. They merely shift the taxes into the costs of goods and services they sell. Whether it be the late Leona Helmsley, Janesville Gazette editors or State Rep. Neal Kedzie just to name a few, they all repeat the same talking points when a federal or state agency proposes some new or additional tax on corporations. It's almost funny the way they all immediately jump to the defense of poor people when taxes on profits come up. They just don’t believe government can impose a tax on corporations or profits without the little people paying. They should know.

Knowing this, Wisconsin must be ranked 50th in actual tax collections from businesses NOT passed on to the little people. It is a game.

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