Today is Thursday, March 27, 2025

Friday, September 14, 2007


Not much to snag and nothing new from Bush/Petraeus
Iraq War about Oil:
AMERICA’s elder statesman of finance, Alan Greenspan, has shaken the White House by declaring that the prime motive for the war in Iraq was oil.
Where would he get such a looney idea? Why does Alan Greenspan hate America? Why does he hate Bush?

Bush Vows Troop cuts? or…Bush prepares for troop reductions? The MSM flood our senses with the idea that this is a concession of sorts from Bush. His new troop plan is the same as the old plan. If we're lucky, by the end of summer next year, there will be nearly 5,000 more soldiers in Iraq than there were in 2006. He could have also said given the right circumstances, we could be out of Iraq by 2067 or when the oil runs dry or.....whichever occurs first!

Headline: The Mystery behind surging Oil Prices All the greed, speculation and manipulation…… and they're still calling this a mystery?

The Swamp Excerpt

Quote of the Month
General Petraeus is a decorated combat veteran. It is an absolute disgrace for anybody to vilify a man who has served his country in war" - Swift Boat Veterans for Truth
The Republican base slammed the New York Times and whined about the MoveOn ad. The ad was tame compared to the vicious attacks and verbal outrages they perpetrate against Dems and anti-war supporters everyday.

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