Today is Thursday, March 27, 2025

Saturday, September 22, 2007


Mattel Apologizes to China:
Proof these guys will say anything to keep the cheap labor and wild-west business practices in China intact. Don’t want to rock that boat – no sir! That’s “free markets.”

Worth less than a Looney
Look at the bright side. If the dollar keeps falling, American companies won’t be able to afford taking their jobs overseas. AND I don't think there's anything left for America to lose under Bush. He has left no stone unturned.

From bad to worse. How to destroy an economy in ten easy steps.
Fed Cut Starts Borrowing cycle all over again. Fed Chief Bernanke taking us in the direction of “loose” money and a cheaper dollar, the same misdirection Greenspan chose that put us in this dilemma in the first place.

With all the hype surrounding Greenspan in the past week I would agree that he was smart and a legendary double-talker. But Greenspan supports privatization, trade agreements (genuine free markets need agreements?) and selling treasury notes to force globalization complicity under the guise of indebtedness. Most in our Congress legislate this tangled web and more. America is spiraling down while the rich are getting richer. I may be the only person in the world to say this, but to put it as nicely and bluntly as possible….......Alan Greenspan is a screw-up.

Student tasered by Jethro Bush’s University Police for “inciting a riot.’ Demanding that Bush be impeached should start a groundswell of enthusiastic citizens to march on the White House. But nooooooooo. Governor Jethro will be pinning medals of bravery on the premature reactionary taser cops for Christmas.Betrayal is the perfect theme and ultimate truth for what Bush and his hand-picked supporters are doing to the country. It’s too bad MoveOn linked up the Petraeus name to this…...that was sooooooo republican. In fact it was Republican!! MoveOn may have gotten the idea from none other than Rush Limbaugh when Rush, earlier this year referred to Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel as Sen. Betrayus for his anti-rape Iraq stance.

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