Today is Thursday, March 27, 2025

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Negotiating With The Budget Boogeymen

In an effort to lead the way past all the partisan bickering, Sen. Judy Robson has once again stepped up to the plate with her willingness to cross party lines and initiate efforts necessary to finally craft a workable state budget with the help of Republicans. But despite capping off a compromise where Democrats are willing to drop Healthy Wisconsin from the budget operating table in exchange for increased revenue, among them a tax on big oil profits, state Republicans still appeared hostile to any reconciliation.
LaCrosse Excerpt:
“I am providing you nothing in return,” Huebsch said at the meeting.
As much as I can respect Robson’s willingness to extend concessions in the name of progress, it still takes two to tango.
LaCrosse Excerpt:
“No more reasons why we can’t get the budget done,” Robson said. “I hope this will be the beginning of the end of this budget stalemate.”
Not when you're dealing with the boogeymen.
Bush Seeks $200 Billion Surge In War Money for military-industrial complex. Bush can’t let the words of spokesmen Osama bin Laden go wasted when they are still fresh in everyone's memory. Congress will rubberstamp it or forever be labeled “defeatists” and “cut and runners.”
Rise in Gasoline prices
In May of this year, I predicted gasoline prices would NOT fall in September or October because it's NOT an election year. Just lucky.

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