Today is Sunday, March 30, 2025

Saturday, December 30, 2006

TIME award not meant for Them

Our friendly little community newspaper the “Janesville Messenger” has once again shown their true colors with their latest editorial titled “This one’s for “You.” But unlike TIME magazine, the editor(s) of the Messenger have not quite bought into the idea that the American public deserve some credit for our creativity or willingness to explore and understand the world with our own eyes. No, if it were up to them, we would be fed a steady diet of intellectually pretentious propaganda from organizations such as the Heritage Foundation, the Cato Institute or the “objectively superior” Ayn Rand and told to shut up and learn to like it.
JM editorial excerpt:
Time’s choice of “you” for 2006, is, in fact, a colossal cop-out that reflects intellectual paralysis among Western media elites who cannot bring themselves to acknowledge that we risk unimaginable conflagration if we do not muster the will to stand up to Muslim extremism.
That terrible Time Magazine, how brain numbingly stupid of them to give an award to “You.” After all, “You” according to the way they (Messenger) see it, are nothing more than a lazy uninformed slob sitting in front of your computer, punching keys for no good reason, completely oblivious to the Islamists.

Like as if its up to the mainstream media to save us from any and all perceived enemies. But the real oddity here is that for all of the Messenger’s superiority and hubris puffery, why are they relying on the very media or liberals that they so oftenly bash, to save the planet? What about the rest? The editor(s) essentially slams America, but somehow manages to exclude themselves from the culture. Does the Messenger know that regardless of how localist they are, or anti-liberal their rhetoric, they are viewed by readers as part of the fading mainstream establishment?

Just a few days earlier though, the Messenger let all of their readers know that they have received the Forward Janesville Business of the Year award. That was their Dec. 27th cover story, “We’re Honored.”
JM excerpt:
“It’s always nice to be recognized for achievements,” said Steve Karstaedt, president of Community Shoppers, Inc., which publishes the Messenger.
But what about those Islamists? I find the irony here almost too much to bear, but nevertheless, realize that awards are usually given to those who deserve. Even this author congratulates them for the achievement.

Unfortunately, I can’t link to the column I describe here because the Messenger’s editorials are not part of the digital democracy known as the internet. The Messengers “You” editorial does not offer even a small congratulatory acknowledgment of sorts to anybody, because it turns out, the TIME award wasn’t meant for them. That explains everything.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is why it's free, who would buy that "publication"? I've asked them to stop putting it in my yard, but they don't. Now I use it for kindling. It's a win-win. They get to justify their existence, I get a nice fire.

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