Today is

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Bush - Legacy of Higher Taxes and National Insecurity

Question on national security

Mister President - There have been several different plots of terrorism targeting the U.S. mainland over the past two years that have been foiled by Canada, Britain and other countries using common law enforcement tactics of investigation and arrests. You tell us that the mission in Iraq was necessary and is a matter of national security. Can you give us examples of terror plots against the U.S. mainland originating from Iraq that have been thwarted by our troops?

Question on taxes

Mister President – Some have said the effect of your taxcuts at the Federal level has caused local and state governments across the nation to raise sales and non-income type taxes and fee’s, and coupled with your request to redirect over $325 billion of taxpayer money away from domestic needs to Iraq will result in even higher taxes in the future. What is your response to this?

Watch "It's never been stay the course" video


Jimdaddy said...

We have foiled many terror plots in the US. We just do hear about it in the mainstream media. It looks good for the president so they don't print it. Besides we are at war right now it's not a good policy to show the enemy what we have uncovered.

Lou Kaye said...

Come on, Jimdaddy. Get serious. The Bush administration is scraping for even one piece of good news from anywhere. They can't stand that "Clinton" style arrests have busted several potentially real plots of terror.

With every passing day, I believe more and more that bin laden is dead, but Bush needs him to keep the fear alive. AND THATS THE GOOD NEWS!!

Jimdaddy said...

The Bush administration doesn't worry about poll numbers. He knows if we let the enemy know what we are doing sucessfully that they will change the way the do things. That's a simple stradgy. Bin Laden could very well be dead. I hope he is dead. Terrorism is much bigger than Bin Laden. He's simply a figure head. But, I'm sure we would be told if he was dead.

Lou Kaye said...

I disagree, Bush worries about poll numbers everyday. He only says he doesn't. His tone and attitude reflects the polls, its too obvious.

Information and communication technology is everywhere, they could be be reading us right now, so what?

I'm not a gamblin' man, but I will go on the limb here and say that sometime after Nov. 7th and the New Year they will announce confirmation of his death.

Anonymous said...

Bush doesn't care about poll numbers. He does what he feels is best for the counrty and it's people. I'm not sure why you think he cares about poll numbers. You shouldn't gamble because you would loose your rear with that bet.

Lou Kaye said...

I assume you think it doesn't care about poll numbers because he said so. His actions speak louder than words everytime new numbers come out. What has made him to drop "stay the course" just for starters. Poll numbers are having a huge effect on his flip-flopping policy changes. If our current state of affairs are a result of him doing what he feels best - somebody please tell him to STOP IT!!

Anonymous said...

What policy changes has he made louis? He has always said if anybody has idea's he is willing to hear them. The problem is the democrats don't have any idea's they just blame him for doing the wrong thing. The democrats are so divided in every aspect.

Lou Kaye said...

Bush is willing to hear them. That's about it. End of story.

The Dems haven't been in charge for a week yet, give em a chance. Look at the wreckage (success in your view) the Republicans did since "Contract with America". It's been twelve years.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it silly willy clinton that raised our taxes. Clinton raised our payroll taves to the highest they ever were. He was more worried about his legacy than the American peopke. His legacy was left on a blue dress.

Anonymous said...

The fucking dems don't even have one single plan. Hell they can't even get along.

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