Today is

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Biodiesel will be boon to Investors

The Janesville Gazette editorialized the need for our country to become more independent from foreign sources of oil. We should have been anticipating this years ago and I would guess its better late than never. However, in usual fashion the Gazette reminds us ingrates what we should be thankful for.
JG Excerpt:
So Rock County residents in general and those in Milton, Clinton and Evansville in particular can take heart that companies are investing money to reduce that independence.
Thank goodness for that, right? Those wonderful investors are clamoring to make sure we got enough fuel for our vehicles. It’s not like they’re investing because they see an opportunity to make money – ahh, no.

God forbid if the government built these refineries and sold the fuel for less, the public would cry foul. We’ll see how much of a risk the investors are willing to take because their ability to turn a profit is heavily reliant on the price of crude right now. Crude oil prices have fluctuated greatly over the past 30 years and if they begin to come down to Earth soon, it will be like pulling the carpet out from under their feet. Those pioneering risk-taking investors will be asking for Federal handouts quicker than you can say “uncle.” Don’t get me wrong, we need alternative energy sources regardless, particularly renewable’s, so the biodiesel and alcohol plants can help tremendously and I hope they make money. Unfortunately, when things are going good and revenues are grown, the investors of so-called mandated industries like energy, airlines and utilities take the profits, but when things are going bad, they turn to our evil socialist government and petition the taxpayer to bail them out without any consideration of payback. Us taxpayers are soooo lucky!


Anonymous said...

Biodiesel is a great idea. I hope it does take off. I hope top invest in this product and make some money on it. This is good for Rock county in having this industry invest in the county.

Lou Kaye said...

I hope you make a fortune too. If its cost/pricing were able to stand alone without being influenced by Big Oil volatility it would be hot.

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