Today is Thursday, March 27, 2025

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Local Newspapers Serve As Political Machine

In an op-ed appearing in the Beloit Daily News last week Thursday was this little tidbit of misinformation.
BDN Editorial:
SOME WILL BE suspicious simply because Barack Obama is a product of the Chicago Democratic political machine. That's unfair. At this point, no evidence has surfaced linking him to any of the corruption charges or investigations.
Barack Obama IS NOT a product of the Chicago Democratic political machine. Not before, not now, not ever was. Yet, being an honest politician who happens to be from Chicago does not disqualify one from being a member of the Chicago political machine or vice-versa. At the same time, claiming that Obama is a product of Chicago machine politics simply because he is a democrat from Chicago is either a deliberate lie meant to smear, or is a profound display of political ignorance.

Even Steve Chapman, an editorial writer from the Chicago Tribune whom I find very little to agree with on, acknowledged that fact in a recent column laughably describing Obama’s initial response to the Blagojevich scandal as his “Pet Goat Moment.” Chapman it seems, feels satisfied putting the prominence of Bush's indecisiveness during a major national crisis into the same contextual frame of Obama's non-response to a two-bit politician being arrested for repeatedly using really bad judgment. Yet despite his usual trumped-up expressions and observations, Chapman for whatever reason, can't seem to find a conclusive response of his own to describe Obama's political style, yet has no problem fabricating new ways to connect him to political hi-jinks.
Chicago Tribune Excerpt:
That doesn't prove Obama is just another crooked Chicago pol. But it is a reminder that though he is not of the Democratic machine, he has never been exactly against it.
But at least Chapman acknowledged that Obama is not a Chicago machine politician.

And as far as Blagojevich is concerned, throughout all the bad language and insinuation of striking illegal deals, he never once went “all the way” and made the exchange. I’m certainly not defending his actions in any way, but so far, there is no “smoking gun.”
Partisan Publishing?

On Monday, the Janesville Gazette published an op-ed written by Sen. Neal Kedzie titled "State Of Wisconsin Must put Brakes On Drunken Driving" under the heading "STATE VIEWS. Kedzie is a Republican.

On Tuesday, the Gazette published another op-ed written this time by Sen. Judy Robson titled Civilian Corps Served As Bailout During Depression under the heading "OTHER VIEWS. Robson is a Democrat.....and a woman, of course.

'Made In America' Under attack by the GOP Media
AlterNet Excerpt:
All this should serve as a wake-up call for all unions, the broader progressive movement and allied media outlets: Will they be able to launch a truly effective counterattack against the propaganda blitz, ads and misinformation spread by conservatives, corporate-funded front groups and the mainstream media?

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