Today is Monday, March 17, 2025

Monday, February 01, 2016

Paul Ryan: Being Called "Establishment" Is Sign Of Success

The Blaze Excerpt:
Talk radio hosts and Internet blogs have relentlessly categorized him as part of the “establishment” class in Washington. Headlines about him on the popular Drudge Report website often read “OBAMARYAN,” ...
Ryan, once adored by grassroots conservatives, suddenly finds himself the target of their ire. Yet, he dismissed such characterizations and chuckled briefly as he responded to it.

“I find that entertaining,” Ryan said. “And I think that the fact that I, who was a pariah to the establishment, am now considered the establishment tells me that conservatives have basically taken over. And when I was in the wilderness fighting earmarks and fighting for budget reform, we were the pariahs. Now we are in leadership roles.”

This might boil down to which "establishment" you're referring to. But the Blaze article clearly references the Washington (DC) establishment here.

Also, keep in mind that the past Ryan now calls "in the wilderness," was the first fifteen years of his miserable career he spent as a devote water carrier for anti-American Ayn Rand, or more accurately ... folks the Blaze always considered "grassroots conservatives."

But this is all about a change in perception so it's important to remember that since 2012, Ryan has made a noticeable effort to distance himself from those earlier indiscretions by building a mirage of separation between himself and those "grassroots conservatives" Atlas Shruggers.

I guess that's his latest urban legend because if they think he's establishment now, then his effort was a success - in his view - because he sees conservatives as taken over control of the DC establishment. Got it? Yet he assigns the "pariah" role on them by reattaching himself to their cause by stating "we (the pariahs) are now in leadership roles."

Very slick gripping on Ryan's part, forever the snake oil salesman, and worth a chuckle providing you don't swallow anything he is selling.

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