Today is Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Friday, September 19, 2014
Walker Booster Critiques Tax Cut Driven Deficit. Next Day Walker, "More Tax Cuts!"
The Janesville Gazette, a big booster and apologist of Gov. Scott Walker's (endorsed him both times), published an amusing editorial the other day criticizing republican legislators in a "I told you so" fashion that their election year tax cuts went too far now that a revised projection shows the state budget heading into a $1.8 billion deficit.
At first glance, it's easy for the reader to think they're including Walker in their criticism, but the editorial mentions Walker merely by association. The editorial's title, "Republican tax cuts don't look so wise given fiscal estimates" pretty much sums it up that in the Gazette's view, it's "republican," tax cuts, not Walker's that are to blame.
The truth is, they can conveniently use republican lawmakers as their whipping boys for all the state's troubles because they know their gerrymandered districts protect them. They can't lose. The editorial creates a final separation and elevation for Walker when they conclude, "Walker demonstrated his fiscal chops soon after taking office." Really.
But here's the best part. The very next day after their editorial, Walker unveiled his re-election platform and among his priorities are guessed it ...more tax cuts in the face of spiraling budget deficits. Gotta' wonder what the Gazette's WMC-owned editorial staff are thinking now, but you can bet they will be endorsing Scott Walker for governor - no matter what.
After hearing this audio of Sen. Fitzgerald posted at the Democurmudgeon, it's really beginning to look like Walker and state republicans are suddenly satisfied with large budget deficits driven by tax cuts. That's not necessarily a surprising concept from supply-side "conservatives" since their policies are largely responsible for driving the nation's debt. It was only in their electioneering rhetoric, where they pretended tax cuts will drive greater economic activity enough to cause an actual increase in tax revenue. They don't even pretend that anymore.
Deficits NEVER did matter with conservatives. It's all about winning re-election.
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