Today is Sunday, March 30, 2025

Friday, January 03, 2014

Controversial "Tax Reform" Meeting Video Finally Released


The Wisconsin State Journal reported that Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch finally turned over the video to the "tax reform" meeting held in Beloit. Here's a few of the more alarming passages from their article...

Wisconsin State Journal Excerpts: (Pay Site)
"We want to know how we can love you more," Kleefisch told the group of 30 executives, managers, accountants and others during the 1-hour, 40-minute session.

The two other meetings were not recorded, because videos would generate more records requests, and would again draw attention to the way Kleefisch was gathering recommendations ...

ABC's tax director Scott Bianchini said the state should stop disclosing how much residents pay in taxes, saying the information is used for "sabotage."

At the Beloit meeting, Bianchini told Kleefisch that tax credits are too stingy because some can only be applied to taxes owed to the state. The state should pay the credits in cash to companies that didn't earn enough to have tax bills, Bianchini said.

Who knew * eyeroll * that many of these business "leaders," some either very wealthy or representing establishment employers are in such dire need of government assistance? Obviously, they want free stuff - free money from the collective that is.

But to get back to the how can we "love you more" part. You might recall the time when Scott Walker told The 700 Club that cutting able-bodied poor adults from state assistance was a sign of how much he loves them because he didn't want them to be indebted to government for the rest of their lives.

Expect more fall-out from this video in the coming days.


RNR - Kleefisch, Walker Officials: Stonewalling Media/Public Is Just Standard Operating Procedure

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm shocked I tell you, shocked!

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