Today is Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Scott Walker Makes List Of Worst Governors In America

From Citizens For Responsibility and Ethics In Washington (CREW) comes a seriously well-researched report with attributions on the 18 worst governors in America. Our governor, Scott Walker, makes the worst of the worst top six as a "Ringmaster."

CREW assessed the governors based on the following criteria:

CREW Excerpt:

■Corruption: Has there been outright corruption? Did a governor violate state ethics laws or campaign finance laws, or did the governor use his or her position to influence the awarding of state contracts?
■Transparency: Did a governor block access to records that state law deems discoverable? Similarly, did the governor oppose legislation to make public records more accessible or promote measures to make government less transparent? Finally, did the governor take steps to foil transparency, such as, for instance, using private e-mail accounts for public business?
■Partisan politics: Did a governor appear to put partisan politics above the interests of the citizens of his or her state?
■Pressuring public officials: Has a governor attempted to pressure or intimidate other state officials in an inappropriate manner?
■Cronyism: Did a governor abuse his or her position to reward family, friends, or major donors with state employment or other benefits?
■Self-enrichment: Did a governor use his or her position for personal financial enrichment?
■Scandal: Was a governor involved in a personal scandal that clearly distracted from his or her ability to govern effectively?
■Mismanagement: Did a governor fail to discharge his or her duties responsibly and in the public interest?

DOWNLOAD the full report by clicking here. (PDF)

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