Today is Thursday, March 27, 2025

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Grothman Targets Singles and Unwed Couples with Children As Child Abusers

No doubt, reducing rates of child abuse and neglect is an issue everyone can agree is important. But now, Republican State Senator Glenn Grothman, who considers himself an expert on children and families, wants to legislate a new order of discrimination against single parents and unwed couples by scripting their circumstance as a marker for child abuse.

Since they make up a third of all Wisconsin parents, Grothman figures what better way is there to divide the state even further than to create a new class of citizens to scorn and demagogue with suspicion. The bill was introduced by Grothman and cosponsored by Rep. Don Pridemore.

Here are key provisions of the bill:

Section 1. 48.982 (2) (g) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
48.982 (2) (g) 2. Promote statewide educational and public awareness campaigns and materials for the purpose of developing public awareness of the problems of child abuse and neglect. In promoting those campaigns and materials, the board shall emphasize nonmarital parenthood as a contributing factor to child abuse and neglect.

Section 2. 48.982 (2) (g) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
48.982 (2) (g) 4. Disseminate information about the problems of and methods of preventing child abuse and neglect to the public and to organizations concerned with those problems. In disseminating that information, the board shall emphasize nonmarital parenthood as a contributing factor to child abuse and neglect.

While observing a Tea Party event in Janesville a couple years ago, I recall seeing Grothman on stage talking about how labor unions caused the break-up of the American family unit. I didn't pay much attention to his speech because I figured who in their right mind would listen to or elect this imbecile.

Was I wrong.


Glenn Grothman Watch - Glenn Grothman: unmarried people cause child abuse?

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