Today is Thursday, March 27, 2025

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Wisconsin Democrats Survive Recalls, Defeat Tea Party

Will the corporate mainstream press write up Tuesday's Democratic wins as victories over Scott Walker's class war budget repair bill and a final vindication for the 14 Dems standing up for the wishes of their district constituency? Somehow I doubt it.

If they can factitiously write up Democrats taking two legislative seats away from Republican's during the last recall election as vindication for Walker and a victory over labor unions, certainly they have the wild imagination to rewrite this one as well. What are they paid to spin around this time?

If Walker loses 2 out of every 6 GOP districts that he carried during the General Election, he will lose in a landslide during his recall. I realize that's a big "if" but the recall process is looking better with each passing day.

JS Online Excerpt

District 22 - 100% Reporting
Wirch Dem 25,541 58%
Steitz GOP 18,838 42%

District 12 - 79% Reporting
Holperin Dem 23,756 54%
Simac GOP 20,150 46%


Anonymous said...

I am looking at the Associated Press Wisconsin - County Vote Results

and Walworth County shows zero votes. They didn't vote?

Anonymous said...

That is strange. Walworth County has one precinct in that district. It wouldn't be enough to change the results but that is no reason not to report.

Anonymous said...

Just checked with Walworth Dems and they report:

"... apparently there is a tiny piece of Walworth County that is in Sen. Wirch's district but no one lives there."

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