Today is Thursday, March 27, 2025

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wausau Labor Organizers Relent - Union-Busters Can March In Parade

Wausau Daily Herald Excerpt:
In an email statement issued shortly before midnight, Marathon County Labor Council President Randy Radtke said everyone will be permitted to march in the parade "because we don't want to have community groups and school bands affected."

I still ask: Why in the world would union-busting anti-labor Republicans want to march in a parade with their victims? Isn't that sadistic?

A little history from the U.S. Department of Labor regarding how Labor Day came to be... here.


Anonymous said...

Are you nuts? Our entire political system is de Sade's ideal playground.
"Destruction, hence, like creation, is one of Nature's mandates."
Sound like anyone you know?

And I'm pretty sure they did not want to march w/ Labor. But they saw an opportunity to counter-slam once those Labor guys started that Parade fight and come out the winners.
Never start a fight you aren't SURE you can win.
Now of course marching and hugging Labor people for the Fox cameras is nuthin' but win for these guys. Hey Labor Guys! way to make yourself a crap sandwich and then be forced to eat it on camera. geeeeez

Lou Kaye said...

Ha,ha,ha,ha. "Destruction, hence, like creation, is one of Nature's mandates."
Exactly!!This was made to order. Just beeu-ti-ful. The GOP is now in the spotlight even more for marching in Labor Day parades! I mean come on. Is there anything the GOP can relate to without being called out? All eyes will be on Republicans - if they show up! Beeu-ti-ful.

Anonymous said...

Hey Marathon County Labor Council President Randy Radtke the NEOCON SLUGS don't like you nor you’re Union. They have declared war on the working class and your playing nice nice. Maybe your union can give NEOCON Duffy some more greenback because he can not live on his salary as a Congressman.

For petesake develop a pair and say NO to these NEOCON slugs.

Anonymous said...

Understand that the NEOCONS have to be invited because the parade was in part supported by taxpayer dollars. If that's the case then have a Labor Day Parade without labor and the unions.

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