Today is Thursday, March 27, 2025

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Deficit Spending Okay On Paul Ryan's Campaign Cronies

I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried.
In a joint statement, U.S. Reps. Jim Sensenbrenner, Tom Petri and Paul Ryan wrote: "We support Governor-elect Walker's effort to put the brakes on the high-speed rail budget boondoggle, which is why we introduced legislation, today, that would give states the ability to return federal funds obligated to high-speed rail projects, and instead use this money to reduce our nation's $1.6 trillion deficit and $13.8 trillion debt. This high-speed rail project is a bad investment for taxpayers and our state simply cannot afford it."
Obviously, this is the same Paul Ryan whose hometown road-building campaign base in Janesville expect a future windfall after heavily lobbying the state to deficit spend up to $1.5 billion for widening the I39/90 interstate highway. Half to be paid by the state, the other half from the federal government. Stop that train!

That the state is facing a $2.7 billion deficit is of no consequence to the "simply cannot afford it" Ryan. Not when it's for his campaign contributors. Stop that train!

That the nation has a projected $1.6 trillion federal deficit this year with more damage control deficits to follow is of no consequence to Ryan when its' for his road-building contributors. Stop that train!

This is the same Paul Ryan who claims one of our nation's biggest problems is the return of crony capitalism. This is where he describes in his own narrow interpretation, how legislators and other government officials use their government capacity to over-ride existing administrative policies for the benefit of their cronies or to the detriment of their ideological or political adversaries - thus using the strong arm of the government to create "winners and losers." Stop that train!

Is this really the same Paul Ryan?

You bet it is! It goes without saying, Ryan is easily one of the slickest intellectually fraudulent deficit-pretending class-war crony capitalists to roam the halls of congress - a committed far-right anti-progressive in a new school sort of way.

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