Today is Friday, March 28, 2025

Monday, June 01, 2009

Confusion Abounds In List Of GM Standby Facilities

Today’s Web Gazette contains a story titled, Janesville GM Designated As Standby.

JG Excerpt:
GM spokesman Chris Lee said Monday Janesville is one of three plants designated as "standby" locations that will be considered for a small car production in the future. The other plants are in Orion, Mich. and Spring Hill, Tenn.
However, the June 1st edition of GM News states that only three plants remain designated as standby production facilities. They are Orion MI, Pontiac MI and Spring Hill TN. In fact, the name "Janesville" does not even exist in the GM News release.

Also, in an article posted today from CNN Money, the information does not declare the Janesville plant as a standby facility but does report it as a "contender."


Anonymous said...

See the bottom of the page at the following link...

Lou Kaye said...

Thanks. But that information appears to be as of May, 2009 and lists Janesville as the sole standby capacity facility. The link listed as latest news on that page seems to contradict the link you sent.

Hey - I hope its true but there is too much conflicting information to claim Janesville is an official standby.

Harp said...

All this information is a "teaser." GM wants to keep all interested parties hanging to draw the states into competition with incentive packages. After receiving billions in bail-outs, they should be told to shove it.

Lou Kaye said...

I tend to agree with you, Harp. Yet, if Janesville is an official standby facility as the Gazette and a few other sources - there's no point in offering GM a bribe. Doyle's work along with the Janesville GM economic team is done.

Anonymous said...

It'll take several years for GM to rebound back to the point where they only might need the extra capacity. In the meantime, the plant will sit quiet and empty and off any plans of redevelopment. Janesville would be better off not being designated as a standby.

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