Today is

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Insurance Racketeers Shape Health Care Reform

A series of protesters demanding single-payer health care coverage objected to a Senate Finance Committee roundtable on health care reform Tuesday morning. At the beginning of the hearing, a man stood and asked, "So let me get this straight -- you have 15 seats at the table and not one for single payer? Why is that?
Healthcare Now Excerpt:
“It’s a pretty spectacular display of raw political power,” said Russell Mokhiber of Single Payer Action. “The health insurance industry demands that not one of the fifteen people who testified today shall be a single payer advocate. And the industry gets what it wants. It’s time for the American people to storm the gates and demand – put single payer on the table.”
While Sen. Baucus insisted that many of his constituents at home share the same view, and one he respects because he personally and deeply cares about their views, yada - yada - yada, he nevertheless got a good laugh from it all and still had the protesters arrested.

Sen. Grassley can be heard in the background, "Isn't there some place they can watch it on television?"

They just don't get it. Congressionals like Grassley must think people can be pacified by just sitting around spectating and reporting on a bunch of stuffed shirts jabber on with insurance racketeers. Anyone can do that and call it reform.

In time, the Congressional finance committee eventually proceeded to hold the phony health care reform hearing seating fifteen operatives from the pay-to-play health care insurance racket.

Video Of Objections To Racket Hearings

Visit Healthcare Now! Organizing for a nation single-payer Health Care system - HR676, One plan - One nation.

Sign petition here.

Also, May 30th: National Day of Action.
Nationwide Rallies for Improved Medicare for All

Read more on HR676 here. Leadership conference for guaranteed health care.

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