Today is Monday, March 17, 2025

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Rip Rap

GM CEO Rick Wagoner is not overly optimistic about the future of the factory in Janesville.

Question: When will they build affordable cars everybody wants? And where? Obama should make sure that American companies receiving a taxpayer bailout who survive the Bush economy understand they were rescued to provide jobs for American labor – not for foreign labor.

But we know what will happen. The GOP will cry Socialism, they’ll say Democrats are beholden to union labor and instead should let the free markets dictate where to build cars. The Big 3 will then open new factories outside the US and the GOP will spin around and say Obama and the Democrats let them do it with weak provisions inserted into the bailout agreement. It never fails. Solution: Stop listening to Republicans.
Elite liberal media gives Conservative President George W. Bush a seven-year ten-month free pass, Liberal Democrat Obama Gets Two months.
Phony outrage from GOPers

Republicans are taking every opportunity to put the blame in the AIG bonus controversy on Democrats and the White House, saying Democrats, "went out of their way to protect those bonuses." However, in 2007, those same Republicans were very much against meddling in executive pay when Democrats pushed a bill that was called the Shareholder Vote on Executive Compensation Act.

That bill would have given shareholders in public companies the right to a nonbinding vote on executive compensation. The U.S. taxpayer now has an 80% stake in AIG. At the time, the Bush White House threatened to veto the bill as unnecessary. Ryan, Sennenbrenner and Petri voted against it. It never received a vote in the Senate.

Obama too, also caved in to advice from Republicans and Wall Street insiders like Tim Geithner about the executive pay bonuses. They said companies couldn't retain top "talent" without it and government dictating wages is socialism. He knew the bonuses were part of the deal. Time to 'fess up and stop taking advice from Republicans.

Obviously there is a huge problem with Wall Street and the employee bonus contracts. If you have a team of .400 hitters blasting 50 homers each, you shouldn't need to be bailed out. And if you have a starting line-up of .150 hitters on a bankrupt team, they shouldn't be getting bonuses.
Quote Of The Week
"The key word here is activist (trouble maker). Also known as hypocrite.” – Activist blog poster (over 800 comments) at the Gazette Webpage
Primed and Tuned GOP
Sen. Charles Grassley(R) thinks top earners of the GOP base should resign or kill themselves.
Vote 'YES' or commit suicide

The House is scheduled to vote on a bill that would levy a 90 percent tax on bonuses paid to employees at companies that have received at least $5 billion in government bailout money.

Do you know where your food comes from?
Farmers continue to work harder than ever. Each American farmer feeds 144 people. Agriculture is needed to help sustain our local and national economy.
A city the size of Janesville needs about 430 farmers to feed it.
Fox wages War against American Labor
No matter how many times it’s been debunked, the Fox hosts keep repeating the falsehood that workers will no longer have access to a secret ballot under EFCA. The legislation does not eliminate the secret ballot. The bill would simply allow workers to choose whether to have a majority sign-up or a normal election process. And as American Rights At Work points out, a secret ballot is no guarantee to a fair election. Under current rules, union organizers do not have equal access to voters, the right to free speech, funding and resources equal to employers, or the ability to bring about elections in a timely manner.

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