Today is Monday, March 17, 2025

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Confused Ryan Tricked By Democrats

Paul Ryan apparently has buyer's remorse about his vote last week in favor of a punitive tax increase on AIG employees. Or does he?
Politico Excerpt:
"Now, that I know — which I didn't at the time — that this is unconstitutional, I wouldn't have voted the same way," Ryan said during a taping of C-SPAN's "Newsmakers" on Thursday — the show is set to air on Sunday.

Ryan blames confusion about the constitutionality of the plan on Democrats for rushing the bill through the House.

Ryan argued that Democrats tried to pull a fast one on the GOP by ramming the legislation through the House under expedited procedures that required a two-thirds majority for passage, setting up the potential for Republicans to bring down the punitive measure.

But the conservative still agrees with the underlying principle behind the bill. "The message was sent that should have been sent," Ryan said.

This would have been the quote of the week...
"I voted for TARP initially because I thought we were on the brink of a crisis," Ryan said.

Until I saw this one...

"I met Paul Ryan with my AP Government class on Wednesday here in Washington. I am a democrat; however, I still voted for Paul Ryan. He is an amazing politician." -- Anonymous poster at Gazette


RichE95 said...

I agree. Democrats did in fact trick Ryan into voting for a bill designed to cover up the Geithner/Frank/Dodd/Obama decision to allow the obscene bonuses.

Lou Kaye said...

So what does Ryan stand for? Got any ideas? Is he for the TARP? Or against it? For the bonuses? Against them? Does he know? Perhaps the Democrats knew the tax on bonuses were unconstitutional in the first place - Ryan can't admit to anything except blame others for his own ignorance and incompetence.

He has a degree in economics and political science, but you couldn't prove it to me.

DownWithTyranny said...

He's smooth but not too deep. Anyone have a clue who might run against him in 2010?

RichE95 said...

Ryan can make a mistake just like all of us. He does far less finger pointing than most politicians. He is a lot like Ross Perot in that his campaign commercials actually to say something and give the viewer credit for having a brain. Hopefully that is a lesson that, work in progress, President Obama will learn. You can't get buy continually attacking the very people you need to make things work. On a side not, I hope our new city manager understands that.

Lou Kaye said...

DWT, out of Janesville or Rock county, I see no one who is willing to run against him. I believe the only way to beat an entrenched fast-talking encumbent like Ryan would require an Obama-like door-to-door nobody campaign activist. The Democratic party here seems intimidated by Ryan and strong local democrats don't want to risk it. So it seems, the Democrats are waiting for Ryan to vacate - and Ryan is waiting for Herb Kohl to vacate. That's my view anyways.

Rich, you've got to be kidding. That's ALL Ryan does is fingerpoint. He never takes responsibility for any of his votes unless it's an award from some partisan group.

DownWithTyranny said...

Lou, I've been asking around among some of the WI-01 electeds and that's the impression I get too. Ryan is so vulnerable too!

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