Today is

Friday, January 02, 2009

RNC Draft Rips TARP Republicans

For the past week now there have been rumblings throughout the traditional newsphere that the Republican National Committee is preparing a list of names of Congressional Republicans who they believe have gone socialist.
RNC Draft Rips Bush bail-Outs
Republican Party officials say they will try next month to pass a resolution accusing President Bush and congressional Republican leaders of embracing "socialism," underscoring deep dissension within the party at the end of Mr. Bush's administration.
Of course I'll probably have a lot of problems with whatever the RNC defines as “socialism.” Socialists don’t legislate a scam to take a trillion dollars from the many – and hand it over to a few private enterprises like the Ryan-brokered Bush/Paulson TARP did. There is a name for those kind - but it's not socialists. According to the Wall Street Journal and other media enablers, those TARP Republicans aren’t socialists - they’re “rising star” Republicans who had the courage to stand against the wind of their free market constituents. So it will be very interesting to see who the RNC will mislabel as socialists and whether at least one local Republican will top their list.
Ayn Rand Excerpt
Washington, D.C.--“Republicans routinely criticize the policies of Barack Obama and other Democrats as socialist,” said Alex Epstein an analyst at the Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights. “But their endorsement of Barack Obama’s imminent, trillion-dollar ‘stimulus plan’ shows that they buy into socialist ideas just as much as the Democrats.
This ought to get really good and have some entertainment value to boot. Democrats should just give the RNC and their think tank supporters as much room as they need on this one, and just stay out of their way. I can't wait.

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