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Sunday, December 28, 2008

State Journal Profiles Janesville City Manager?

Sunday’s Wisconsin State Journal posted a front-page story with photos profiling five people who may be facing some large challenges in the coming year. One of those featured was Janesville’s new city manager, Eric Levitt.
WSJ Excerpt:
Levitt, 41, became Janesville's city manager Dec. 16. He was hired in October to succeed longtime city manager Steve Sheiffer, who retired. Since then, the U.S. economy has further unraveled. But Levitt said that doesn't mean chances are worse for a new GM product to be made in Janesville, as local and state leaders have pitched to top GM officials.
Now, if you happen to be living outside of the circulation of the Janesville Gazette, you probably realized the section dedicated to Levitt was more of a lightweight synopsis of the problems facing Janesville instead of a "profile" of the man. The article gave the average reader no clue as to who Eric Levitt is, where he came from, how well was he vetted, what are his principles and what if anything he will do any differently during these extraordinary times. Very disappointing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The photos were detailed enough, you could almost see their nose hairs.

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