Today is

Friday, November 14, 2008

Why Is Doyle Contacted By Obama Team?

JG Excerpt:
Obama's transition team spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter says they are not confirming or denying any reports about contacts they are making with people.
But could Doyle just as well be participating in a plan with the president-elect's team to include new vehicle production at the Janesville GM plant in exchange for $25 billion in bail-out help? Why not? The report seems to go out of their way to say Doyle’s trip is unrelated to state business.

My guess is no more or less factual than anything published by the “alternative“ news up to this point.


Unknown said...

That's as good a guess as any as I see it. Did Wisconsin go big for Obama just to get Doyle a cabinet post or to bring change and jobs? Eventually, Obama going to have to dance with the people he brung.

Anonymous said...

If the Big Three are not bailed out with or without Janesville, the entire country will begin to resemble Detroit. Everything will collapse like dominoes, it won't be pretty.

Anonymous said...

Any idea where your pal Ryan stands on the Big Three bail-out and whether he wants to tie it into his own district for the Janesville Plant? The silence is deafening.

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