Today is

Monday, October 27, 2008

Will Final Stretch Offer October Surprise?

DPW Excerpt:
Both Ryan and Thompson told reporters that McCain has failed to articulate an economic message and both praised Barack Obama for clearly defining an economic message.
Paul Ryan Trashes McCain campaign.

Ryan verbally trash-canned George W. Bush during the Bail-Out fiasco and now drops this on McCain in the final week? I don't trust in any of Ryan's comments. Ryan is one and the same with both of them.

Krupp: Ryan hoodwinking voters with misleading ads

Capital Times endorse Krupp for 1st CD.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel endorsed Marge Krupp in the primary.

Capital Times endorse John Waelti for 80th Assembly.
Waelti's opponent, Republican Brett Davis, is a State Capitol hanger-on who got himself elected to the Assembly in 2004 on George Bush's coattails and is trying this year to get re-elected by suggesting that he is an ally of Gov. Jim Doyle.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, the Wisconsin State Journal and the Capital Times newspapers have never endorsed the same candidate for president. Until this year.
The Wisconsin State Journal endorsed Obama but also endorses Ryan? That simply doesn't make sense. Part of our problem here in America - voting for change and then voting against it for balance.
Quote Of The Week
Channel 3000 Excerpt:
"I'm my own man. I vote the way I see things. I vote the way people in this district see things and I believe our best days as a country are ahead of us," -- Rep. Paul Ryan.

Beloit Daily News Endorses Debi Towns Editorial:
Towns is conservative, but she's not a closed-minded partisan. She was able to work, for example, with Democrat Gov. Jim Doyle on legislation to improve the state's business climate.
We’ve been seeing this more and more in the final weeks of the election. How certain Republicans in Wisconsin have suddenly found bi-partisanship and are not afraid to include Jim Doyle in their campaigns. Two locals, Debi Towns and Brett Davis are most obvious singing "Kumbaya" in their television ads.
Feingold receives PERFECT score for record on environmental conservation and energy independence.
Now THAT is really something to be proud of. Go - Russ – Go – Yeah! – Yeah!- Yeah!
If those worried about paying more taxes under President Obama were the only one’s to vote against him, he'd win by a landslide of 95% to 5%.
Newspapers Endorsements:
Stay tuned, but keep in mind that more and more newspapers -- afraid of offending their shadows in this grim economic climate for print -- are coming up with reasons not to endorse at all.

Farm Bureau Burned By McCain and Congressional Republicans
La Crosse Tribune Excerpt:
One factor could be the Milk Income Loss Contract, a price support subsidy that kicks in if the price of milk falls below a certain point. The program is weighted in favor of smaller dairy farms like those in Wisconsin and has delivered $511 million to farmers here since December 2001 — more than twice as much as any other state.

Obama supported the dairy subsidy as part of the 2008 Farm Bill passed in May because it provides a safety net for farmers and because he supported conservation measures in the bill.
John McCain, Sensenbrenner and Ryan voted against Wisconsin farmers when they voted against the Farm Bill. The conservative farm group knows it - they just can't bring themselves up to admit it.
Some Humor
Capital Times Excerpt:
"It is the Democrats, including my opponent, who had control of Congress the last two years … so now we have a Democratic stock market crash and a Tammy Baldwin recession," he said to considerable chuckling from the audience of about 100 in a large auditorium of the Brogden Psychology Building on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus.
Theron's partisan ranting suggests that after eight years of Bush, a GOP-led Congress for twelve of the past 14 years including Republican rule in 20 from the past 28 years in the White House - the Democrats were in charge all along.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice collection of local links!!

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