JG Editorial Excerpt:
Ryan said most constituents who contacted his office opposed the bail-out.......Instead, Ryan voted for a bill he didn't love, because he knew it was the right thing to do for the good of the economy. Too many others - many of whom face tough re-election bids next month, voted with the political winds while silently hoping the bill would pass.
As long as people continue to vote against their interests, I can't blame Ryan for defying his constituents. He's entitled to that House Seat.
I've always thought you've been unduly harsh on Ryan. But not any more.
My only question to you is - why the double-standard? Why do you leave the democrats unscathed?
I'm embarrassed with the democrats on this particular issue but I do see their support for the bail out much less hypocritical than the Republicans. When I listen to Democrats argue the points of the bail out, they sound more rational and pragmatic. They’re tackling a national crisis and not trying to hedge political ideology for personal gain. Taking Bush’s side on this is suicide, but the democrats didn’t blink. Sure they rushed into it and voted for it which I believe is just one of their mistakes, but it's the Republican's who have carried the phony free-market banner as the center-piece of their economic philosophy, while bashing democrats as the Socialists. It boils down to that. If you rigidly claim the mantle to fiscal conservatism, free markets and family values like the Republicans have, you wind up painting yourself in a corner when a different direction must be taken.
Take the senate bill sweeteners they've added. It's now 450 pages and over $825 billion including tax incentives. They've increased spending to supposedly attract Republicans!! It's the Republicans they have to coddle during what many view as a national crisis. It's sickening but they’ll pass it.
This Tuesday is a presidential debate and they both voted for it. I would like to see one of the candidates name names. Give examples of the pork added to the bill and name the Senator, regardless of party, who sponsored the pork.
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