Today is
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Republicans Take Low Road To White House
At the RNC, Sarah Palin and Rudy Guiliani left no stone unturned attacking everything that makes America great. They attacked me as a person and they attacked the worker and degraded professionalism. They attacked our taxpayer responsibilities and mocked hope. They insulted the child who dreams of becoming a policeman, a fireman or even the president some day – only in America. By smearing Barack Obama and democrats with lie after lie they have brought down the dignity of America to levels George W. Bush never dreamed of.
At first I thought Sarah Palin was a far better candidate for the White House than John McCain ever could be. But Palin’s calculating comments and snarky narcissism eventually made Hillary Clinton sound like Mother Teresa. McCain and Palin are disgraceful - they both deserve each other.
I know this will seem crazy, but after listening to the full-of-herself beauty queen sycophant whining on at the podium, I couldn't stop SNL's Pat from floating around in my head. Maybe it's just me.
There's Something About Sarah
A comprehensive analysis of Mayor Sarah Palin by Wasilla resident Anne Kilkenny.
You hit the nail on the head. The proper description of Palin's diatribe last night is "disgraceful".
First let me state that I have never voted for a Republican for President. I always voted Democrat except for 1992 when I voted for Ross Perot for fiscal responsibility reasons that are yet more relevant today considering the Bush record of financial irresponsibility. I'm a "Reagan Democrat" who never did vote for Reagan. My first vote for a Democrat was my first vote for President - John F Kennedy in 1960. That being said, it is time for everyone to follow the examples of Obama and McCain and stop trying to deomonize your opponent. All four of the major party candidates have earned their way on to their tickets and all want the best for America. As for Sarah Palin last night - WOW - she brought my wife, who is more liberal than me, to tears of admiration. This woman is real. This doesn't mean McCain has my vote - but I am now tempted.
Palin has a lot of issues yet to explain and if democrats play their cards right they'll hold the bombs for late October. She's good for the Obama ticket.
There's nothing androgenous about Palin, but now that you mentioned it, she did remind me of Pat too. Thanks for ruining my day.
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